Brutal LEGION encourages the act of creation, but sometimes we all hit the creative wall. Most people don't realise this is a time of growth. You are about to advance as an artist. The wall forces you to make a break though, if you are willing to push though it. Don't waste the oppertunity.
These are some simple questions to ask yourself. If you don't have a good answer, that's your problem.
- Have I redone the same images too many times?
- What is my work trying to say?
- Do I have a large message to push?
- Don't just work when you're "in the mood". Create a rutine. Devote time daily. No breake though happends when you feel like it.
- Who inspires me? What exactly about their work am I drawn to? Can I appopriate anyone elses style into my own?
- Have I researched what I'm trying to do?
- What about my work do i love most. Shape, tune, contrast, storytelling?
- Do I undersand the art terms?
- Do I need to simplify my shapes and colour?
- Can I do better? It's always little changes.
- Have I changed my process? Do I need to go back to an older method? Or make a new one?
- Have I taken notice of how others work?
- The 10 collevtive qualities the essance of good art prative. Research. Respond. Repeat.